About Us

About Daily Blessings

Daily Blessings supplies quality products, good customer service, and intuitively picked crystals to fill your needs. We have prices for every budget - whether you are looking to start your crystal collection, or are looking for that last piece to add to your collection. Daily Blessings is a small business based in Belgium and started by an 18 year old student. I am passionate about crystals and want to share my experiences with people through selling them. That's why Daily Blessings is the right place to be!

Our mission

Here at Daily Blessings our goal is to provide people with quality items that are bought and packed full of love and energy so you can start or continue your spiritual journey in the best way possible! We are working hard to be able to do this consciously, and taking care of the earth as well. Hopefully in the future you’ll see more authentic pieces made by the owner of Daily Blessings itself such as jewellery and decoration! Not only products, but also spiritual services such as tarot readings or different events. 

We care about each customers as individual and do our best to provide a special service to each by answering all questions and giving everyone as much guidance as they might need! So don’t be afraid to contact us with all questions you might have!


On February 2nd 2022 Daily Blessings opened their first website, and started their journey with full love and excitement! Since then they have done nothing more then providing the best services and amazing crystals online, but as well on little markets in the summer! 

“The idea of starting the business started in November after my first exam stresses kicked in. I was studying psychology at the time, and it wasn’t going as I had hoped. The guidance and advice I got from the school council wasn’t a big help either. I was really struggling at this time, not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, as I always knew I wanted to be able to help and guide people in this live. Not even one day later I started researching how to start my own business, as one undiagnosed neurodivergent does, and decided to just follow my heart once.

In the weekend I told my mother about all my ideas, and just impulsively bought like 250 business cards. Looking back at it, that might’ve been a little too much haha. I think in that weekend I finished everything that was important to start with and just started advertising on instagram and tiktok. My first weeks or months were mostly orders from friends or family, but once the website was online in February I started growing nicely. Of course I still had to find a way to balance school and work, but it was so worth it as I felt my mental health and energy thrive!

Right now I am studying marketing at UCLL in Leuven, and still looking for that balance haha. I really am happy and proud of were I’ve gotten in this past year, knowing I can grow twice as hard with a little more focus I am confident we will keep growing every year! I am especially looking forward to finally finishing this book I am working on, and finding that more creative side of me!

Daily Blessings is just as the names points out, my daily blessing, and I thank everyone for supporting me on this journey while I do my best to support yours!

Lots of love! <3”